"The process of self healing is the privilege of every human being. Self healing is not a miracle, nor is it a question of being able to do something that most people can't. Self healing is a process that occurs through the relationship between the physical and the infinite power of the soul. It is a contract, a union - that is the science of Kundalini Yoga." Yogi Bhajan

The origins of KY go back many thousands of years. Yogi Bhajan (also a Master of Hatha Yoga) became a Master of KY at the age of 16. He later formulated a unique system based on these ancient teachings which he introduced to the West in 1969. Since that time thousands of people around the world have embraced the practice and lifestyle teachings of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, to enrich and transform their lives.


Kundalini Yoga is known as the yoga of awareness and it awakens us to our true nature and potential. It is a spiritual not a religious practice - a holistic philosophy which brings about the union of mind, body and spirit, from which we derive the practical benefits of rejuvenation and healing.

Yogi Bhajan always reminded us that happiness is our birthright. Through practising Kundalini Yoga we become aware of, conscious of, our true identity - that we are not human beings with a 'spiritual side' but spiritual beings incarnated into a human body. What begins with awareness grows into experience and when we experience our true identity our life changes. It is the finite merging with the infinite. To truly deserve the title of 'human' being we need to evolve beyond concerns only for ourselves, for our lives, for our possessions, for our passions and our comforts. The evolution taking place now on our planet is an evolution in consciousness.

Students often ask what is likely to happen when consciousness is raised and there is not one particular answer to this - it is different for each person. However, what can be said is that while life situations do not change, the context in which we deal with them does. Many people simply notice that their lives flow more easily, that they face their problems more calmly, that they feel happier, that they are much less judgemental, that their relationships are more harmonious. Others make drastic life changes and devote themselves to serving humanity. Each person takes on board what they are ready for.

All forms of yoga are beneficial and each different form can be thought of as facets of a diamond. Kundalini Yoga has been described as the diamond itself because subsumed in it are elements of all other forms. Ideal for people with responsibilities in work, the family and the world, it is available for everyone and can be combined beneficially with any other therapy, healing or spiritual discipline.

In Kundalini Yoga there is a distinct beginning, middle and end to each practice and a strong merging of energy within the group which gives a wonderful experience of completeness and wholeness. While the basic structure of classes remains the same, there is great variety in the content and some Kundalini Yoga kriyas are more physically demanding than others. However, Yoga is not competitive and, while everyone is encouraged to go beyond some of their perceived boundaries, individuals work to their own differing capacities. Intention, focus and breathing are all important and will bring many benefits - the body will simply do what it can. Classes are therefore suitable for beginners as well as the more advanced. Personal attention and guidance is given during classes and afterwards.


• Pranayama (breathing)
• Asanas (postures)
• Mantras (sounds)
• Mudras (hand positions)
• Mental Focus

• Deep Relaxation

Sound healing by Gong and Tibetan Bowl is regularly included during deep relaxation. Also, some classes include discussion about yogic/spiritual philosophy and its meaning and relevance to our everyday lives. There is also an opportunity for further discussion and questions after the class has finished.


• Tune in with mantra, to focus our attention and to bring all to a common vibration.
• Introduction to the theme of the class.
• Pranayama
• Kundalini Yoga Kriya (a series of exercises in a particular sequence as given by the Master)
• Deep Relaxation
• Meditation
• Tune out with mantra to complete the cycle

"Kindness knows no defeat. Caring has no end.
And touching peoples' hearts is the only language God knows"
Yogi Bhajan